Data Privacy Statement

General Principles

The Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre is owned and operated by Cardiff Council.   Our responsibilities for data protection are managed by the Council.  For further information on the Council’s data protection requirements, please contact the Data Protection Officer, Room 357, County Hall, Cardiff CF10 4UW or at

This notice is therefore designed to give you information about the data we hold about you, how we use it, your rights in relation to it and the safeguards that are in place to protect it.

Why we collect personal data

The Storey Arms Centre collect data for a number of reasons, the lawful basis for our use of your personal data will generally be for one of more of the following:

  • we need to process your personal data to satisfy our legal obligations
  • we need to process your personal data to carry out a task in the public interest
  • we need to process your personal data to meet our contractual obligations to you
  • we need to process your personal data to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person
  • we will process your personal data if you have consented for us to do so.

What personal data we hold and how we obtain it

The Administration of Bookings

When you contact us to make a booking enquiry and to complete a booking at the Storey Arms Centre we will ask you for the following information:

  • name
  • organisation name (if appropriate)
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • postal address
  • other information as necessary

This will allow us to communicate with you about your enquiry and send you appropriate information.

Marketing Opportunities

When you contact us to make a booking enquiry or to complete a booking, we will ask you whether you want us to keep your details to contact you if appropriate booking opportunities become available. If you consent, we will keep the following information on record:

  • name
  • organisation name (if appropriate)
  • email Address
  • telephone Number
  • postal Address
  • communication Preference

You can withdraw your consent to receive this information at any time.

Client Details

We will ask the course organiser for personal information about course participants to ensure their safety and well-being during the course.  This information includes:

  • name
  • address
  • next of kin (name & relationship)
  • emergency contact telephone numbers – day & night
  • date of birth
  • allergies / medication / dietary need
  • current tetanus protection
  • doctor’s Surgery – name & town/city
  • doctor’s telephone number
  • swimming ability level

For some courses, we may also ask for the following information:

  • Mountain Training candidate ID number, occupation
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award information – ID number, unit name

We will not share this information with anyone, except medical professionals in the event of need for treatment or unless we are legally required to do so.

We will make paper copies of the client details for use during the course by our Instructional Team.  We inform our Domestic Team of any special dietary requirements within the group.


We use cameras owned by the Storey Arms Centre so that groups can take photographs/video during their visit.  We download images/video onto a Centre PC to allow us to put them onto a DVD, which we give to the course organiser.  For courses for individuals (e.g. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Gold Residential), we ask participants to bring their own DVD.

In order for us to do this, you must complete our Photography consent form and you can withdraw your consent at any time.

How long we will keep your information

As the Storey Arms Centre is owned and operated by Cardiff Council, we are bound by a number of legal requirements, which affect the length of time that we need to store your data.  These include:

  • Cardiff Council Financial Procedure Rules (to satisfy requirements of the Local Government Act, 1972 and Local Government Finance Act, 1988, for the proper administration of the Authority’s financial affairs.)
  • Limitation Act, 1980 (for public liability claim requirements)

Cardiff Council base the detail of their Corporate Retention Schedule on these requirements.

We also follow current best practice for the outdoor education industry as outlined in the Outdoor Education Advisors’ Panel’s National Guidance.  You can find details of these here:


Data for enquiries with no resulting booking and with no consent given for future contact – we will destroy data during the term following the date of the enquiry.

Data for enquiries that lead to a booking will be stored electronically for a period of 4 years from the end date of the course.  After this time, we will destroy data during the term following the date of expiry.  We will destroy paper copies after two terms following the end date of the course.


Data where you have given consent to receive marketing communications, we will store electronically.  We will review this data with you periodically to confirm your continued consent or destroy at the moment consent is withdrawn.

Retention of CLIENT DETAILS data

The data that we collect regarding course participants is to help us look after you appropriately during your visit.  For liability insurance purposes, we need to retain this data for the following periods:

  • adults…………………………….. 7 years
  • children……………………..….. until their 25th birthday
  • looked after Children….. 99 years

In cases where a liability insurance claim is made, we will retain data in line with the requirements of Cardiff Council’s Risk Management procedures.


We will retain photographs/video on a Storey Arms Centre PC for three terms.  After this time, we will destroy them except for those that we chose to keep for future marketing use.

Your rights

As a data subject, you have many rights regarding your personal data. This includes:

  • right of Access
  • right to rectification
  • right to erasure
  • right to withdraw consent
  • right to data portability
  • right to restrict processing
  • rights in relation to automated decision making

Organisations we may share your information with

Storey Arms Centre will treat your information as confidential. However, it may be shared with relevant departments within Cardiff Council, with medical professionals in the case of illness/injury or when required to do so by law.

The information that we hold electronically is held on Cardiff Council’s secure servers and, where appropriate, on the secure servers of the provider of our administration bookings management software, “Cinolla Software Limited” (

Cinolla is our third party provider for our administration bookings management software. In choosing this provider, we have satisfied the internal requirements of Cardiff Council regarding cloud-based data privacy.

Contact us

You are entitled to enquire about the data that we hold for you.  If you wish to do this, please contact us on 01874 623598 or by email at

If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to process and/or store your data, please contact us on 01874 623598 or by email at and we will process your request as soon as possible.

For further information relating to the management of your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer:

Data Protection Officer
Information Governance Team
County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW 

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