Day Visits

The Storey Arms Centre is only 45 minutes north of Cardiff, making a day visit easily manageable.

We offer a range of day visits for groups of all ages.

If you are looking for a school day visit, have a read through our Primary and Secondary leaflets – they will explain the benefits of what we have to offer at each educational level.

Find out what we offer for each of the following days

For prices and available dates, please send us your requirements through our

Contact Form




Discovering wildlife






Problem Solving



Gorge walking group



Outdoor Learning Day

We base our Outdoor Learning Days at the centre and its immediate surroundings.  Sub-groups take part in a selection of tasks in the morning, such as the climbing tower, a forest rope trail, orienteering, problem-solving tasks.

The group spends the afternoon on a mini-adventure walk or a local hill walk – a chance to explore in the great outdoors!

Standard times:          Arrival at 10.00 am  /  Departure at 2.30 pm

Groups provide their own packed lunches/drinks

Mountain Study Day

Our Mountain Study Days are ideal for primary groups who are studying Mountains and/or National Parks.

Within a short walk from the centre, pupils can see for themselves a wide range of features that they may have already studied in the classroom:

  • Geology – rocks, erosion
  • Water-courses – springs, streams, rivers
  • Mountain plants
  • Mountain insects, birds, animals
  • Weather
  • Man’s impact on and relationship with the mountain landscape
  • The features, benefits and workings of a National Park
  • Natural beauty of the locality discussed and explored

Standard times:          Arrival at 10.00 am  /  Departure at 2.30 pm

Groups provide their own packed lunches/drinks

River Study Day

You can base your River Study Day for GCSE and A Level Geography at the Storey Arms Centre.

The River Tarrell rises close to the centre and passes through a variety of landscapes before reaching Brecon 9 miles north.

Our instructors can guide you to suitable access points and provide safety cover.

You can follow up your practical fieldwork with a classroom-based session in our teaching room.

Standard times:          Arrival at 10.00 am  /  Departure at 2.30 pm

Groups provide their own packed lunches/drinks

Team Development Day

Our Team Development Days are suitable for

  • Sixth Form pupils
  • Youth group members
  • School staff teams and
  • Business teams

We use the grounds at the Storey Arms Centre and its local surroundings.

We have a selection of projects that encourage teamwork, communication, trust, time and resource management.

You can combine one of our projects with your own input session, such as a team objective setting session, to make a valuable day out of school or your workplace.

Standard times:          Arrival at 10.00 am  /  Departure at 3.30 pm

Groups provide their own packed lunches/drinks

  • Catering may be arranged at an additional cost
    (subject to availability)

Activity Day

Our clients use our Activity Days for learning a new skill, informal team building or just for fun!

You can choose one activity for the day – usually before you arrive – from the list below:

  • Caving
  • Gorge walking
  • Canoeing / stand-up paddle boarding / sit-on-top kayaking
  • Hill walking
  • Rock climbing and abseiling (summer months only)

If the weather is not suitable for your chosen activity, we will offer you another – we will make sure you have a good day!

Standard times:          Arrival at 10.00 am  /  Departure at 3.30 pm

Groups provide their own packed lunches/drinks

For prices and available dates, please send us your requirements through our contact form.

Contact Form

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