Day Visit Enquiry Form

Please read the FAQs before completing the form – they may answer any questions you may have!  Give us as much information as you can – it will help us to respond to your enquiry quickly.

If you are not sure about something, please enter “N/A” or “Not sure” or an explanation!

    Organisation Name

    Contact Name

    Contact Tel. No.

    Contact Email Address

    Are you a Cardiff Council operated school or youth centre?


    Have you/your organisation visited us before?


    Time of year / Month for visit:

    Estimated Group Size (e.g. 10 – 20 / 20 – 30):

    Estimated Leaders:

    Age group (e.g. Year 6, KS3, Sixth Form, Adult):


    Activity Day

    Gorge WalkCavingCanoeing and/or Stand-up PaddleboardingHill walkingRock climbing (summer months only)

    Other Programmes

    Outdoor Learning Day - PrimaryStudy Day – Mountains (Primary)Study Day – River (GCSE / A Level)Team Building (Adult/Corporate)Meeting Facilitation (Adult/Corporate)Other

    If you ticked “Other”, please give us details of your aim and objectives for the day. We will contact you if we need any further details.

    Any other relevant requirements

    How did you hear about the Storey Arms Centre?

    Please select your preferred language for communication about this enquiry


    The information you have provided will be processed by The Storey Arms Centre under the Data Protection Act 2018. Your information will be treated as confidential, but it may be shared with relevant Council departments, with medical professionals in the case of illness/injury or when required to do so by law.

    For further information on how The Storey Arms Centre manage personal data, view our privacy policy via the following link  Data Privacy Statement


    Course Duration

    Day visits usually start at 10.30 am and finish at 4.00 pm but can be shorter to fit with your requirements

    Group Size

    We operate in groups of up to 10 participants plus 2 leaders

    Our pricing is based on the number of groups, i.e. for 15 participants plus 2 leaders, you will be charged for 2 groups

    For Primary Outdoor Learning Days, the charge is per pupil and depends on the time of year (see Seasonal Pricing).  There is a minimum charge equivalent to 10 pupils.

    Additional Information

    The course fee includes instruction, specialist equipment and travel to/from the activity venue

    Travel to and from the centre is the responsibility of the group

    Groups need to provide their own packed lunch/drink

    Activities are weather dependent.  We will offer an alternative activity wherever possible or, if necessary, rearrange to a future date.

    Seasonal Pricing

    We charge different prices for visits at different times of the year, based on the academic year.  This year’s seasons are as follows:


    19 Nov 2018- 24 Feb 2019


    3 Sep – 18 Nov 2018

    Easter Holidays & May Half-Term (based on Cardiff Council school holiday dates)

    25 Feb – 24 Mar 2019

    22 Jul – 1 Sep 2019


    25 Mar – 21 July 2019

    Except Easter Holidays & May Half-Term (based on Cardiff Council school holiday dates)

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