GDPR Privacy Notice for Young People

What’s this about?

A new law was made that keeps your information safe – things like your address, date of birth and phone number.  Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre and other people collect and use information for all kinds of reasons and the new law tells them exactly what they are allowed to do with yours.

We collect some information about visitors to our centre, like you.  It’s our job to tell you how we will collect the information, how we will record it and how we will use it.  The Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre is owned and run by Cardiff Council.

In this notice, you will see different names or terms used that you may not be familiar with, such as:

Data controller

This person (or group of people, like the Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre) is in charge of the information we collect.

Data processor

This person processes information for the data controller.

Data protection officer

This person makes sure we do everything the law says.  Cardiff Council’s Information Governance Team

Personal data

This means any information that can be used to identify someone, such as your address and date of birth.

Who looks after your information?

The Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre is the data controller of the personal information you give us – we look at how and why your information is collected and used.

Sometimes the Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre has to give your information to other people, but we will only give your information when you say it’s ok or when the law says that we have to.  When your data is given to someone else, they must look after it and keep it safe.

Why do we collect and use your information?

We will only collect your information when we need it to help us do our job or to follow the law.  When we’ve collected it, here’s how we use it:

  • To get in touch with you and your parents/carer when we need to
  • To protect your welfare and follow safeguarding procedures
  • To assess the quality of our service
  • To comply with the law regarding data sharing

What information do we collect?

The categories of information that the Storey Arms Outdoor Education Centre collects, holds and shares include the following:

Your personal information

This is things like your name and address

Your characteristics

This means information about you, like what your first language is and things like that.

Medical information

If you have any medical conditions, for example, asthma or diabetes, we will need to know this so we can help you enjoy the activities safely.

Your individual needs

We collect information that helps make your visit better, such as dietary needs and any worries or challenges you may have.


Using photographs of you counts as processing your personal data.  Before we take or use any photographs we will ask you (if you’re old enough) or ask a parent/carer, to give permission for us to take and use pictures of you.

Do you have to give us your information?

You must give us quite a lot of the information we need, but there is some information that you can choose whether to let us have it or not.

When we ask you for information that you don’t have to give, we will ask for your permission and let you know why we want it and what we will do with it.  If you don’t want us to have the information, that’s your choice.

How long will we keep your information?

We don’t keep it forever, only for as long as we need it to help us do the thing we needed it for.  We have a policy that tells us when to keep it and when to bin it.

Will your information be shared?

We won’t share your information with anyone else without your permission, unless the law says we can or should.  We may share information with:

  • Health authorities, e.g. in case of illness or accident
  • Health and social welfare organisations, e.g. safeguarding concerns
  • Professional advisers and consultants, e.g. safeguarding concerns
  • Police forces, courts, tribunals, e.g. a legal requirement

We will only ever share your information with people directly involved in your care and we will only do so with your permission.  Although, if you don’t give us permission, it may affect our ability to look after you.

How will we get rid of your information?

We will get rid of any paper records with your information by using our shredder on site, which destroys your information securely.  Any completer records will be deleted.  However, we do need to keep your information for a certain length of time before we can do this.

What are your rights?

You and your parents/carer have the right to:

  • Be told how we use your information
  • Ask to see the information we hold
  • Ask us to change information you think is wrong
  • Ask us to remove information when it’s not needed anymore
  • Ask us to only use your information in certain ways
  • Tell us you don’t want your information to be processed

If the information we are collecting is information that you can choose not to give, you can tell us to stop collecting it at any time.

If you’re worried about how we get and use your information, you can speak to Carolyn Cummings or Claire Horwood at the Centre, who will be able to help you and answer any questions that you have.  If you want to speak to somebody not at the Centre, you can contact the Data Protection Officer for Cardiff Council –, or call the people who look after information, called the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), on 0303 123 1113 or visit their website

Would you like to know more?

If you or your parents/carer would like to find out more information about how we collect, use and store your personal information, please look at our Data Privacy Statement on the Storey Arms Centre website

Four important things to understand

Now you’ve read this, we hope you understand that:

  • The law allows us to get and use your information to help us do our job
  • We may share your information with others, but only when we really need to
  • We will ask for your permission to share your information whenever you have a choice
  • You can tell us not to share your information, even when you have said ‘yes’ before

If you have any questions, Carolyn Cummings or Claire Horwood will be happy to help you.  Call the Centre on 01874 623598.

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